Caught in a crowd. Where are my friends? Surrounded. Lost. Cell phone service? Yeah, right. Somehow I didn't mind. I've never seen so many people in one place. Lights everywhere. Blue lights, green lights, flashing lights, lasers, led screen, little lights, big lights, all of the lights. I can't stop looking at the girl in front of me. I feel like she'll notice, then I wonder if I'd mind if she did. I push my way to cooler air to escape.
Two kids sitting on the ground, playing with light toys. They don't seem to notice anything around them. I get asked for doses. Sorry buddy, not today. Water is five dollars? I think about all the thirsty kids in the world. Supply and demand is an amazing concept. A cup of soda cost manufacturers pennies, and if you buy it at a football game it costs you seven dollars. I wonder how they get away with this modern day highway robbery.
I finally make my way to what they call the main stage. Something palpable fills me as I get closer. Somehow i'm lost in the crowd again. The bass thumps in time as I walk. Boom-Boom-Boom-Boom. My heartbeat. So many people moving together. The music has slowed down. Why are everyones hands up? The air is still. Then the drums come. Slower at first, then faster, and faster. The rush comes over me. One hundred thousand people jump in the air.
When night has become the day
They're sending you far away
So, so far away
When everything starts to fade
You don't have to be afraid
No, you don't have to be afraid