I remember reading a poem in middle school by Robert Frost. "Two Roads". Funny how some things stick in your mind and some slip as easily as sand through your fingers. Maybe it was because we had to memorize and recite the poem for class. (Terrifying experience) I'd like to think it is because I believed its message. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
Or two career paths?
Two girls?
Two movies?
How do we make a decision? Do we listen to friends? Family? People who have been their before? How do we decide where we go when we walk out the door.
It's hard to be self pitying with a bronze spoon in your mouth,
but there has to be something more.
The small moments in life are what we live for. Sometimes all it takes is an appreciation for what we see. Fast, moonlit bike rides along the sandy road next to the beach. The world doesnt reveal itself differently to us. One need only look to appreciate how the moon's light changes all the water into silver on the right kind of evenings.
Riding a bike can be very therapeutic. The steady hum of your tires over pavement, the cool breeze in your face. It gives you time to think. Time to meditate on your life. The next time you are faced with a decision, take a different turn. Try something new.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"